The ecclesia christian collective

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Moving Into Light - The Time of Transition

The undertaking of becoming witting and of deepening one's self-awareness is of great importance today. Being attentive to one's interior state have always been indispensable to a Negro Negro spiritual life, but in the heightened energies that are affecting life on the physical airplane today, it is even more than of import to cognize oneself, to be aware of feelings and energies that are moving through, and to let clip for the integrating of these energies that are being evoked by the presence of greater light.

Today the spread between the life of the human race and the life of the spirit is narrowing, and as the distance between the two gnaws still further, it will go evident that the spiritual is having an impact on all walkings of life, all social classes of people, and on every situation. It will, in the end, altogether get rid of the space that now bes between the 'physical' and the 'spiritual', joining these two forever in consciousness and in reality.

In order to travel through this clip gracefully, it is not indispensable to seek information or to go anyone different than you are. All that is needed to travel through this clip is held within you. It is a substance of hearing to what is going on inside and of becoming more than aware that volition let you to cognize the ways in which the new is making itself known. To travel gracefully through this clip is to be aware of the procedure taking place, to work with it and within it, apprehension that what is passing through as energy and emotion, is coming up in order to be put free.

During this clip of transition, it is of import to see having more than than than clip to rest, more clip to be alone and quiet, more clip to not be busy. Even if life makes not readily impart itself to this and duties weigh heavily on your shoulders, it is nevertheless of import to have got some clip period of time during the twenty-four hours to travel within and to reconnect with your deeper beingness - to experience the 'you' that is waiting to emerge. This volition also give the incoming energies needed support for doing the work of healing and transforming that they are about.

Some may not experience this visible light yet as the quiver of love that it is, but only its distressing consequence as it conveys to consciousness that which necessitates to be released and set free. Some may only experience the turbulency that tin be portion of this process. And yet this turbulency is an energetic moving ridge that is moving through all, and it takes to make a new life for human race and for the world. The turbulency is the beginning of this new life, but the deeper portion is the realisation of one's ain Godhead nature and that of every other life being.

In a busy, task-oriented society, being excessively busy is the norm. Atomization is the norm – the letting spell of one's deeper ego in order to ran into outlooks of feeling and behaviour that change from state of affairs to situation. Atomization makes a loss of connexion with oneself and with the Beginning of life. It Fosters a sense of being lost and without purpose, and of seeing 'life' as the perpetrator that pullings us away from ourselves. This perceptual experience must be examined in footing of the semblance that it is built on, for it is only our ain outlooks of what life should be, of what we desire it to be, that volition alteration what 'life' is. There is no external quality of 'life' other than that which dwells within our ain consciousness and with which we greet each new day.

Today, during this clip of incoming energies of light, having clip to be quiet and to spiritually ground within oneself and with Supreme Being is of extreme importance. It is of import for the healing procedure that is already taking place, and it is of import for one's peace of mind. Whether instituted for shorter or longer clip periods of time, every attempt made on a day-to-day footing to happen a manner of connecting with the Beginning of All volition be rewarded on an interior level. For the energies that seek to transform life tin be moved with most easily when there is attending paid to what is going on within, what is trying to open, and what is trying to be healed.

If you happen it hard to not be busy and experience that this is a extravagance that can delay till later on, allow it be understood that 'later on' is now, and that the very construction of life as we cognize it is in the procedure of changing so that what is currently taken for given volition no longer be. It is for this ground that we are called to travel into a state of saving grace within ourselves – to be able to travel with the procedure that have begun and to set up for what is to come. Life inquires this of us, and our ain psyches inquire this of us as we travel forward twenty-four hours by day.

May the willingness to seek the visible light and to travel with it go portion of each human consciousness, and may the deepening of trust turn within each human heart. Blessings and Amen.

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